No matter how far you drift away
Thoughts of you always linger
With every breath I take
You are missed (sigh)...
Silly instances remind me of you
So long my breaths last
You will be missed!
Losing you was the most I feared
Yet a blessing in disguise. it was
A curse at the same time...
At times I fret,
Walking past the myriads of life
Meeting and parting is just a phase
That I must endure..
Thankful I am to you...
Had it not been for you
Will-power would be something amiss
From you I draw my inspiration
Though you are not with me
Yet you will always remain my idol
Topsy-turvy the world may turn
Thoughts of you will always be mine
Memories of you will remain intact
None can intrude my niche
Neither will I let anyone to...
You are one of the millions
Nothing can surpass!
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