10 April 2011


A shriek I heard at the dead of the night
Startled I looked around!
Fierce was the shriek
But couldn't make out what it was
Though scary it was, yet curious was I
Could it be a lady in pain Or
Was it the screech of a car Or
Was it a cat or a dog?
Walking past the doorway
My knees felt weak out of fear
The terror almost freaked me out!

As I looked across the street,
An apparition I saw at a distance
Was it an illusion?
Stone frozen I was on seeing the vision...
The first thought that striked
Was to rush back my niche
But I stopped and approached the figure
As I drew closer,
She wore a tired look...
Faintly smiled at me but her eyes
Betrayed her smile!

As I started to talk to her
She came forward and hugged me
Taken aback I stood there
As if grounded!
She cried her heart out
But I felt as if stoned..
Then she turned back to leave
I halted her and asked who she was
She looked back, passed a faint smile
And turned away!
Her last glance was familiar..
I gasped... Ema!

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